Test Results & Protocols
Sanitelle instant sanitizers have been tested against their efficiency and safety. Below are some of the results. Certified translated copies are available upon request.
- Eurofins Consumer Product Testing GmbH through its test facility Eurofins Biolab S.r.l., conducted a test of bactericidal and fungicidal effectiveness of Sanitelle® hand sanitizers. On the basis of the obtained results, the test substance HAND SANITIZER SANITELLE CPT 1967 was found to be in compliance with the European Standards EN 1040:2016 and EN 1275:2016.
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- The Research Institute of Desinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor, the Russian consumer protection agency, conducted a study of the antimicrobial effectiveness of the antiseptic hand gel Sanitelle®. The gel was tested against a number of microorganisms, including the disinfectant-resistant strains of E.coli, St. aureus, Ps. aeruginosa, Mycobacterium B5, and C. albicans. The findings indicate that Sanitelle® instant hand sanitizer kills E.coli, St. aureus, yeast-like fungi, and mycobateria B5. These results affirmed that the antiseptic hand gel Sanitelle® has bactericidal, tuberculocidal, and fungicidal properties.
- The Test Laboratory Centre of the State Research Institute of Virusology (named after D.I.Ivanovsky) of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences tested the effectiveness of Sanitelle® gel on the H5N1 virus. The findings indicate that “gel Sanitelle® has virucidal effectiveness against avian influenza A (H5N1) virus with a 99.99% inhibition of virus reproduction when it is used for treatment of surfaces contaminated with viral materials.”
- The Test Laboratory Center of the Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, a federal research institution named after R.R.Vreden of Roszdrav, under the direction of Professor G.E.Afinogenov, Doctor of Medicine, evaluated the in vitro/in vivo efficacy of disinfectant effectiveness of the disinfectant skin gel Sanitelle®. The results showed that the gel Sanitelle® has biocidal properties against the tested strains of S. aureus, E. coli, Ps. aeruginosa, and C. albicans. The study also established that the gel complies with regulatory documentation requirements for disinfectant efficacy of skin antiseptics when properly used for hand hygiene.
- Testing of the gel Sanitelle®, conducted in the facilities of the Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic, Neurosurgical, and Surgical Departments of the Main Military Clinical Hospital in Moscow, revealed that the gel’s high antiseptic properties against microflora that commonly contaminate the skin of healthcare professionals, and the gel Sanitelle® was recommended for wide use in inpatient, ambulatory/outpatient, and emergency facilities.
- The Test Laboratory Centre of the State Institution Central Clinical Hospital, together with outpatient clinics operated by the Russian Academy of Sciences, performed clinical experiments with the antiseptic gel Sanitelle®. The studies concluded that Sanitelle® products:
- Meet the acceptable standards.
- Produce no irritant or allergenic reactions.
- Have a positive effect on human health and meet SanPin 1.2.681-97 requirements.
- Using the facilities of the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Rospotrebnadzor, the Russian consumer protection agency, a study was conducted to assess the efficiency and safety of the antiseptic and hand-care products of the Sanitelle trademark produced by Bentus Laboratories.
The study focused on the hygiene routines of medical personnel in the storage department of the institute. Results showed that the increase in hand hygiene adherence from 20.7% to 79.6% corresponded to an increased use of alcohol-based antiseptic, which grew 10 times higher for one dressing procedure and 6 times for one invasive procedure. This, in turn, helped reduce microbial contamination of dressings and treatment rooms from 6.4% to 0 and from 12.8% to 2.1%, respectively.
The increase in the adherence of healthcare professionals working in the neurological resuscitation department, which rose from 32.7% to 89.6%, resulted from a tenfold increase in the consumption of alcohol-based antiseptics and made it possible to:
- reduce microbial contamination of resuscitation room objects from 44.8% to 14.8%;
- change the species composition of germs isolated from environmental samples;
- stop the circulation of clinically significant polyresistant strains;
- reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pneumonia from 59.3 to 17.3 per 1,000 days of artificial pulmonary ventilation; and
- reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections from 70 to 24 per 1,000 days of urinary bladder catheterization.